[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver

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  • An all-in-one grooming solution, that features a dual-end design

  • High-performance trimmer with cutting capabilities that provide refined grooming

  • Rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin

  • 3-D pivoting head for close shaves with less skin irritation

  • Suitable for use everywhere on your body, from your chest and abs to your back and shoulders

  • 3D pivoting head allows the shaving head to closely follow your body's contours for the ultimate in skin comfort on your body

  • Designed exclusively for men who want the ultimate body comfort below the neck: shaves and trims chest and abs, underarms, legs, groin area and back and shoulders

  • Get 50 minutes of cordless use with an 8-hour charge in the sleek store and charge stand

  • 日本樂天市場網址
  • High performance trimmer has rounded blades and combs to prevent scratching the skin. Select from from 5 length settings (up to 11/25 inch) to get the look you want

  • Water-resistant casing and materials. Use wet (in the shower) or dry

?樂天 jp

[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver



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原物料慘跌 央行印鈔恐變本加厲 再掀金融大海嘯

鉅亨網編譯張正芊 綜合外電

法國興業銀行 (Societe Generale) 死忠看空策略師艾德華茲 (Albert Edwards) 週四 (30 日) 警告,西方國家及中國的央行將繼續大量印鈔,進而引發比 2008 年更大規模的全球金融危機。也因此,黃金是「一定得持有」的避險投資,即使近期大跌修正了 50%,也無損其光澤。

艾德華茲發布報告指出,過去一年石油、鐵礦砂及銅礦等原物料價格崩跌,使得全球央行將擴大貨幣刺激來提振需求。他警告,西方國家央行已準備製造出比 2008 年更嚴重的金融危機及經濟衰退,「這回打趴的利率及巨大的財政赤字,只會造成一個結果:量化寬鬆 (QE) 的速度將加快到一個程度,連在火星都聽得到印鈔機隆隆聲。」

艾德華茲進一步表示,在那樣的世界,黃金是一定得持有的資產。他說,死忠黃金支持者將過去這段時間的金價跌勢,與 1970 年代的發展相比。當時金價在 1970-1974 年間飆漲了 5.5 倍,之後下跌了 50%;隨後更在 1976-1980 年間瘋漲 9 倍,因當時通貨膨脹火熱。

因此艾德華茲認為,看多黃金者不會擔心 50% 的下跌修正,「他們視此為漲勢開始前必然的序曲。」


[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver那裡買,

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[美國直購 ShopUSA ] 飛利浦 Philips Norelco BG2040 34 Philips Norelco Bodygroom Pro Grooming System, Black Silver

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